The Role of Federal Funding in the Fight Against Hunger

Written by: Cynthia Radley, Government Grants Manager
Date: March 6, 2021

Before March 2020, most of us could never have imagined that the world as we knew it was about to change so drastically. As a result of the pandemic, many people in our community would not be able to feed their families. I am so proud to be part of an organization that immediately stepped up to the plate to find new and safe ways to provide families with the extra food that they needed.

However, Three Square and other local non-profits are not the only ones who have stepped up to the plate during this crisis. The state of Nevada – from the governor to state legislators and other officials – has also stepped up, doing what they can to meet the growing need of the people of Nevada. This is evidenced by the recent virtual Governor’s Grants Round Table Discussion, in which I was honored to be asked to take part. In addition to Governor Sisolak and other Nevada government officials, representatives from non-profits around the state met to discuss barriers and solutions to bringing more federal grant funds into Nevada. Currently, Nevada is 47th in the nation in using federal grants, and all those who were present at the Round Table want to see that change.

As the Government Grants Manager at Three Square, I know how crucial federal grants are to helping us meet the needs of our community. They make up about a third of Three Square’s annual budget and enable us to run programs like Kids Cafe®, The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Outreach. I look forward to seeing the state work with non-profits to bring more federal dollars into Nevada.

Together, we can feed everyone.

1$ = 6 Meals

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Three Square Food Bank (Three Square) is registered with the Secretary of State and qualified by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization, and a member of Feeding America. Established in 2007, Three Square is Southern Nevada’s only food bank and the area’s largest hunger-relief organization. Our mission is to provide wholesome food to hungry people, while passionately pursuing a hunger-free community. Your charitable contribution to Three Square is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.